PrinterExpress 1.31



PrinterExpress 1.31


PrinterExpress - программа для тех кто работает с множеством сетевых принтеров. Она позволяет обойти длительный процесс выбора принтера по умолчанию через настройки Windows. Просто кликните на ее иконку и выберите принтер.

PrinterExpress is a very useful program for people who work with many different printers on a network. The inconvenience of having to use the Print dialog every time you want to print can quickly become a hassle. Using PrinterExpress, you only have to click once on the PrinterExpress icon located in the system tray (next to the time), and you can easily make any printer on your network your default printer. So when you need to print a document, or many documents, you can simply click on the Print icon in your favorite program instead of going through the tedious process of File->Print…-> (select printer) ->OK. The program easily pays for itself, just by the amount of time you will save in your work day.

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