Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Pro v7.7.120507D
Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Professional - мощный пакет для создания autorun-меню, которое появляется автоматически после вставки CD/DVD в привод. Не требует знания программирования и легко осваивается. C ее помощью вы можете легко и просто создавать неповторимые практически профессиональные каталоги дисков, увлекательные презентации, фотоальбомы и качественные слайдшоу...
Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Features
* Just thinking, no programming.
* Rapid development environment to create autoplay menus quickly.
* Powerful WYSIWYG designer, easy to use without learning.
* Easy testing without burning on disc.
* Comes with many templates (Over 27).
* Protect menus from being modified by others with password.
* Create projects from templates, (It comes with a large number of templates and project assistants that enable anyone to create professional results in no time at all.)
* Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window.
* Interactive Objects
* reate drop down menu bar for pages like most standard windows to make your page more professional.
* Hide menus in system tray (Action).
* Input text box to check user entry and do action
* Internal slide show support.
* Muti-Action (There are unlimited actions available for each object including running external programs and opening documents,
pointing web browser to specific web page, displaying text messages, navigating another Page, etc.)
* Many cool controls.
* Send Email Action
* Shutdown Actions
* Make CD Business Cards
* Custom Windows Shapes
* Publish to Web/Email Executable
* Open Website Windows
* Shutdown Splash Image
* Play Multimedia Files
* Display Adobe Acrobat PDF Documents
* Protect menus from being modified by others with password
* Option button control.
* Easy testing without burning on disc.
* Hot spot support in your menu
* Page have action when Loaded
* Sample Projects
* Internal slide show (by Action)
* Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window.
* Explorer CD or folder on CD (Actions)
* Computer Restart & Shutdown (Actions)
* Timer control to do actions after time
* Resize window in run time (Action)
* Many kinds of actions such as launching application, open document, etc.
* Many controls.
* Embed Flash Player, Internet Explorer in menus.
* Eject CD & Eject CD and exit (Action)
* Copy file, folder, or all CD form CD to hard drive (Action)
* Text and graphic comments while moving cursor over controls.
* Support MP3/WAV/MID/WMA files for background music.
* Play movie files & sound files in player tool (Actions)
* Show splash screen and end screen
* Play sound when mouse over buttons or click
* Customize disc icon and mouse cursors.
* support animated GIF
* Many styles of button
* Play background music (play list) looped
* File list tool (to display more files) in your menu
* Fast and Fun to Use!
* make your page more professional.
* Add advanced Label With full Gradient Color.
* Add expiration CD Date.
* Custom Button control.
* Jump to next page.
* Jump to Previous page.
* Jump to Last page.
* Jump to first page.
* Publish Project Menu.
* Always On Top Action
* Pack your project in one exe file (self-extractor)
* And much more.
System Requirement:
* Operation System: Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista
* 22 MB free hard drive space
* Pentium 120 MHz
* Memory: 32 MB RAM or above
* Video card set to 16 bit color or greater
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Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Pro v7.7.120507D
7575 KB
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Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Professional v7.3 build 031106
7.3 MB
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся

Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Professional - мощный пакет для создания autorun-меню, которое появляется автоматически после вставки CD/DVD в привод. Не требует знания программирования и легко осваивается. C ее помощью вы можете легко и просто создавать неповторимые практически профессиональные каталоги дисков, увлекательные презентации, фотоальбомы и качественные слайдшоу...
Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Features
* Just thinking, no programming.
* Rapid development environment to create autoplay menus quickly.
* Powerful WYSIWYG designer, easy to use without learning.
* Easy testing without burning on disc.
* Comes with many templates (Over 27).
* Protect menus from being modified by others with password.
* Create projects from templates, (It comes with a large number of templates and project assistants that enable anyone to create professional results in no time at all.)
* Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window.
* Interactive Objects
* reate drop down menu bar for pages like most standard windows to make your page more professional.
* Hide menus in system tray (Action).
* Input text box to check user entry and do action
* Internal slide show support.
* Muti-Action (There are unlimited actions available for each object including running external programs and opening documents,
pointing web browser to specific web page, displaying text messages, navigating another Page, etc.)
* Many cool controls.
* Send Email Action
* Shutdown Actions
* Make CD Business Cards
* Custom Windows Shapes
* Publish to Web/Email Executable
* Open Website Windows
* Shutdown Splash Image
* Play Multimedia Files
* Display Adobe Acrobat PDF Documents
* Protect menus from being modified by others with password
* Option button control.
* Easy testing without burning on disc.
* Hot spot support in your menu
* Page have action when Loaded
* Sample Projects
* Internal slide show (by Action)
* Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window.
* Explorer CD or folder on CD (Actions)
* Computer Restart & Shutdown (Actions)
* Timer control to do actions after time
* Resize window in run time (Action)
* Many kinds of actions such as launching application, open document, etc.
* Many controls.
* Embed Flash Player, Internet Explorer in menus.
* Eject CD & Eject CD and exit (Action)
* Copy file, folder, or all CD form CD to hard drive (Action)
* Text and graphic comments while moving cursor over controls.
* Support MP3/WAV/MID/WMA files for background music.
* Play movie files & sound files in player tool (Actions)
* Show splash screen and end screen
* Play sound when mouse over buttons or click
* Customize disc icon and mouse cursors.
* support animated GIF
* Many styles of button
* Play background music (play list) looped
* File list tool (to display more files) in your menu
* Fast and Fun to Use!
* make your page more professional.
* Add advanced Label With full Gradient Color.
* Add expiration CD Date.
* Custom Button control.
* Jump to next page.
* Jump to Previous page.
* Jump to Last page.
* Jump to first page.
* Publish Project Menu.
* Always On Top Action
* Pack your project in one exe file (self-extractor)
* And much more.
System Requirement:
* Operation System: Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista
* 22 MB free hard drive space
* Pentium 120 MHz
* Memory: 32 MB RAM or above
* Video card set to 16 bit color or greater
home Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Pro v7.7.120507D
7575 KB
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
пробуем лекарство...
для Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Pro v7.7.120507D
278 KB
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Power AutoPlay Menu Creator Professional v7.3 build 031106
7.3 MB
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
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