Photocopier Pro v3.04
С помощью этой программы вы можете использовать сканер (TWAIN) и принтер как копировальный аппарат.
есть возможно задать: число копий, выбор между цветной и черно-белой печатью, масштабирование, настройка контраста т.д.
Got a scanner and a printer? Why not combine the two into a copier? You no longer need a Xerox if you have Photocopier. This is how it goes: insert a document into your scanner, start Photocopier and press its Copy button. After a few moments your printer produces a copy of the document. That's it. No difficult settings to make, it's very user friendly.
Photocopier comes in two versions, the basic Photocopier and Photocopier Pro. See below for a list of additional options of Photocopier Pro.
Photocopier Pro offers you the additional option to:
Make copies just by pressing the Copy button on your scanner.
Get a preview of the scanned image before printing starts. Manipulate (invert, mirror) the scanned image from the preview window.
Have greater control over scan resolution.
Remove superfluous parts of the scanned image with the Auto crop function.
Select the imaging device to use. Convenient when you have both a scanner and a digital camera installed on your system.
Specify which printer Photocopier should use, specify separate printers for black and white, grey scale and colour copies.
Instruct Photocopier to pause before printing starts. Convenient when you have scanner and printer attached to your system via a switch box.
Save the scanned image in a variety of graphic formats (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF etc) from Photocopier's preview window.
Version 2.13:
Fixed bug in manual crop function
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С помощью этой программы вы можете использовать сканер (TWAIN) и принтер как копировальный аппарат.
есть возможно задать: число копий, выбор между цветной и черно-белой печатью, масштабирование, настройка контраста т.д.
Got a scanner and a printer? Why not combine the two into a copier? You no longer need a Xerox if you have Photocopier. This is how it goes: insert a document into your scanner, start Photocopier and press its Copy button. After a few moments your printer produces a copy of the document. That's it. No difficult settings to make, it's very user friendly.
Photocopier comes in two versions, the basic Photocopier and Photocopier Pro. See below for a list of additional options of Photocopier Pro.
Photocopier Pro offers you the additional option to:
Make copies just by pressing the Copy button on your scanner.
Get a preview of the scanned image before printing starts. Manipulate (invert, mirror) the scanned image from the preview window.
Have greater control over scan resolution.
Remove superfluous parts of the scanned image with the Auto crop function.
Select the imaging device to use. Convenient when you have both a scanner and a digital camera installed on your system.
Specify which printer Photocopier should use, specify separate printers for black and white, grey scale and colour copies.
Instruct Photocopier to pause before printing starts. Convenient when you have scanner and printer attached to your system via a switch box.
Save the scanned image in a variety of graphic formats (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF etc) from Photocopier's preview window.
Version 2.13:
Fixed bug in manual crop function
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
_ 1.1 мг
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
Для просмотра ссылки Войди
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