Photo-Lux 3.5


ex-Team DUMPz
12 Окт 2004
Photo-Lux 3.5


Photo-Lux - lets you view and correct your digital photos or images. The following graphics formats are supported: BMP, CEL/PIC, CUR,CUT, DIB, EMF, FAX, G3N/G3F, GIF, ICB, ICO, J2C/J2K/JP2/JPC(JPEG2000), JPC, JPG/JPEG (RGB, GrayScale, YcbCr, CMYK, YCbCrK), JFIF/JIF, PBM, PCD, PCX, PSD/PDD, PSP, PGM, PNG, PPM, PXM, RGB/RGBA, RLA/RPF, RLE, SGI/BW, TGA,TIF/TIFF, VDA/VST,WMF. To smooth the edges and to reduce the noise artifacts, Photo-Lux can displays your images on the screen with a different High Quality Zoom Filters applied. Photo-Lux has a lot of high performance imaging operations such as RGB- , Brightness/Contrast/Gamma- correction, Image Rotating to any angle, Crop and more. Plus it offers many filters, including Bump-Map, Blur etc. A good-looking 3D-Text can be written on the image using a 3D-Text drawing tool. To insert a graphic logo into the image a powerful Merge command can be used. The extended Open dialog window of Photo-Lux has a thumbnail mode.
If has the synopsis to be wrong

Программа для просмотра/корректировки графических файлов. понимает большое количество форматов.

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