Compatible XF Versions 2.0, 2.1
New Post Button in Post
In Xenforo 2, you can add a new topic button when reading a topic.
ACP --> Template --> thread_view and find:
Replace with the code below:
New Post Button in Post
In Xenforo 2, you can add a new topic button when reading a topic.

ACP --> Template --> thread_view and find:
<xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" />
Replace with the code below:
<xf:breadcrumb source="$forum.getBreadcrumbs()" />
<xf:pageaction if="$forum.canCreateThread()">
<xf:button href="{{ link('forums/post-thread', $forum) }}" class="button--cta" icon="write">
{{ phrase('post_thread') }}