MAGIX Samplitude (все версии)


2 Ноя 2008
Программа: MAGIX Samplitude
Версия: 11.0
Год выпуска: 2009
Размер файла: 204.12 Mb

О программе:
MAGIX Samplitude — одна из лучших программ для создания, звукозаписи и сведения музыки. Программа является отличным аудио/MIDI секвенсером с поддержкой VST/DirectX форматов, имеет в наличии множество встроенных эффектов и многое другое. Данная программа — одно из самых успешных решений для аудио и MIDI записи, редактирования и мастеринга на домашнем или студийном компьютере. В новой версии программы улучшен интерфейс, добавлены новые эффекты, новые VST инструменты, новая поддержка форматов OMF и AAF, добавлен новый видео-движок, позволяющий импортировать видео файлы в проект и множество других нововведений. Программа является идеальным решением для музыкантов, продюссеров и звукорежиссеров.
Основные возможности:
• Звукозапись, сведение, редактирование и написание музыки
• Создание до 128 аудио-дорожек и до 128 MIDI-дорожек
• Поддержка до 348 kHZ аудио
• Использование неограниченного количества инструментов
• Использование до 16 плагинов на одну дорожку
• Множество встроенных эффектов и инструментов
• Поддержка VST/DirectX форматов
• Встроенный микшер для микширования треков в реальном времени
• Поддержка многоядерных процессоров
• И многие другие возможности

Samplitude is purely native PC software and therefore independent of proprietary audio hardware. Basically, that means the program works just as well on a laptop as on an audio workstation with dozens of inputs and outputs. Even the standard version offers you everything you need for your productions: Up to 128 tracks and 64 busses at a sample rate of up to 384 kHz. Samplitude provides all of the freedom you need to choose your own system. MME, ASIO*, and WDM support all important driver models.

An outstanding strength of Samplitude and Sequoia the absolute sound neutrality featured. Highly developed digital algorithms, absolute phase stability, and continuous application of floating point calculations ensure that the sound maintains its special nuances during even the most intense digital processing. This results in transparency, neutrality, maintenance of transients, and space. Different audio formats from 16-bit to 32-bit floating point and sample rates up to 384 kHz are possible in the same arrangement.

The most important functional area is the VIP arranger. This is the center for recording, cutting, editing, crossfading, and finally for arranging the final tracks for the final CD. VIP stands for "virtual project", and as the name suggests, everything here takes place virtually, i.e. non-destructively; all crossfades, normalization, automated volume adjustments, or object effects remain separate from the recorded material.

The extensive options for editing audio are a special strength of the Samplitude family. Special attention has been paid to development of completely virtualized editing with professional features as well options for non-destructive stereo editing, detailed controllable crossfades, and CD pre-mastering. Especially flexible operation is also a main feature, and all important process steps can be carried out with quick shortcuts. Basically, Samplitude and Sequoia adjust to the user's needs – not the other way around.

Object Editing
As well as the classic track-related editing options, Samplitude also provides object-level editing. This provides new opportunities for mixing and sound design. The audio material may be split into any number of objects and moved on the track freely. Every object can be edited with fades and effects, e.g. equalizer, timestretching, pitchshifting, or VST plug-ins. Even aux sends are possible at object level. This means that the aux send is only active for this object, making complicated automation unnecessary. The object editor offers real-time access to an object's settings.

Samplitude and Sequoia offer extensive MIDI functions; a selection of these is explained here. A detailed list is available in our feature comparison table. MIDI data may be imported, edited with internal editors, and played back. The MIDI editor integrates different sub-editors, views, areas, and aids. These include piano roll, drum editor, score editor, controller editor (e.g. velocity, MIDI volume, etc.), and a list editor.

Embedding and editing videos is possible at any time. The integrated video engine includes improved caches and display color formats, e.g. for displaying MPEG formats.

The mixers in the Samplitude / Sequoia product family are extremely flexible and calculate any settings made in real time. This includes track and master effects, panorama and level settings, and device assignments for tracks, busses, or the master section.

In the effects area, Samplitude and Sequoia offer a true wealth of various premium choices. Thanks to the products' comprehensive effects catalog, you will need few, if any, third-party plug-ins.

With Samplitude and Sequoia, high-definition stereo and surround audio DVDs may be burned directly from the arrangement. The list of burned discs includes +R/-R/+RW/-RW. Audio files are burned uncompressed (linear PCM) according to the DVD audio standard. Audio files can be exported and burned in surround or stereo format according to the DVD audio standard – this makes it possible to burn high-definition stereo and surround audio DVDs directly from the multi-track arrangement. The project does not have to be exported first. Sequoia can also master the DDP format, which is deemed by many mastering engineers as superior in file integrity.

Import / export
Import and export as MP3, WMA, FLAC, AAC. Broadcast WAV, OGG, AIFF, Wave or Real Audio – up to 348 kHz. In Sequoia, SD2 files may also be imported. The RIFF64 format is also supported. With RIFF64 it is possible to write Wave files exceeding 2 GB. It is also possible to write all channels of a multi-channel program into a single RIFF64 file. This makes data exchange in surround sound productions easier. In addition, OMF and AAF exchange formats are optionally supported (Samplitude Pro) or in a standard fashion (Sequoia).

Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: English
Формат файла: rar
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista/7

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Последнее редактирование модератором:

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