Крошемор, Лекрок, Риттер - Алгоритмы обработки текста. 125 задач с решениями


28 Янв 2020
Алгоритмы обработки текста. 125 задач с решениями
Крошемор, Лекрок, Риттер (2021)
Сопоставление строк - одна из самых старых тем в теории алгоритмов, но по-прежнему занимает важное место в информатике. За прошедшие 20 лет мы видели технологические прорывы в таких, например, приложениях, как информационный поиск и сжатие информации. Эта книга, представляющая собой богатое собрание задач и упражнений по важнейшим вопросам алгоритмов обработки текстов и комбинаторных свойств слов, предлагает приятный и прямой путь к их изучению и практическому освоению.
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28 Янв 2020
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Алгоритмы обработки текста. 125 задач с решениями
Автор: Крошемор М., Лекрок Т., Риттер В.(2021)

String matching is one of the oldest algorithmic techniques, yet still one of the most pervasive in computer science. The past 20 years have seen technological leaps in applications as diverse as information retrieval and compression. This copiously illustrated collection of puzzles and exercises in key areas of text algorithms and combinatorics on words offers graduate students and researchers a pleasant and direct way to learn and practice with advanced concepts. The problems are drawn from a large range of scientific publications, both classic and new. Building up from the basics, the book goes on to showcase problems in combinatorics on words (including Fibonacci or Thue–Morse words), pattern matching (including Knuth–Morris–Pratt and Boyer–Moore–like algorithms), efficient text data structures (including suffix trees and suffix arrays), regularities in words (including periods and runs) and text compression (including Huffman, Lempel–Ziv and Burrows–Wheeler–based methods). Maxime Crochemore is Emeritus Professor at Université Gustave Eiffel and of King’s College London. He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Helsinki. He is the author of more than 200 articles on algorithms on strings and their applications, and co-author of several books on the subject. Thierry Lecroq is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rouen Normandy (France). He is currently head of the research team Information Processing in Biology and Health of the Laboratory of Computer Science, Information Processing and System. He has been one of the coordinators of the working group in stringology of the French National Centre for Scientific Research for more than 10 years. Wojciech Rytter is a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw. He is the author of a large number of publications on automata, formal languages, parallel algorithms and algorithms on texts. He is a co-author of several books on these subjects, including Efficient Parallel Algorithms, Text Algorithms and Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures. He is a member of Academia Europaea.
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