IncrediFlash XTreme 1.2
IncrediFlash XTreme – программа для создания Flash анимации без особого опыта в работе с Flash. Возможность добавлять текстовые мультипликации, изображения, видео, звуки, музыку, голоса, Flash клипы, анимационные GIF-изображения. Корректирует текстовый шрифт, размер шрифта, полужирный, курсивный, подчеркивание, цвет, тень, выравнивание...
IncrediFlash XTreme is a tool to quickly and easily build Flash animations without the need for Flash experience.
Making a Flash animation is as simple as inserting an image, text, selecting effects, adding sound, and hitting the publish button.
IncrediFlash XTreme provides 100+ customizable text effects, supports various multimedia formats, including image, video, sound, music and voice. You can also import Flash SWF files and animated GIF. There is an extensive list of background styles that you can choose, such as gradient, transparent, image or animated background from the built-in background library. Then, apply various layer effects such as lighting, balloon, clouds, bubbles, thunder, rain, etc.
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