HDL Simili Sonata v3.0 Professional
VHDL Simili is a low-cost, yet powerful and feature-rich VHDL development system designed for the serious hardware designer. It includes a very fast VHDL compiler and simulator assembled into a powerful Integrated Development Environment and waveform interface. The compiler/simulator can be used with or without the graphical user interface (as batch tools). VHDL Simili Professional Edition adds advanced debugging and code-coverage capabilities.
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VHDL Simili is a low-cost, yet powerful and feature-rich VHDL development system designed for the serious hardware designer. It includes a very fast VHDL compiler and simulator assembled into a powerful Integrated Development Environment and waveform interface. The compiler/simulator can be used with or without the graphical user interface (as batch tools). VHDL Simili Professional Edition adds advanced debugging and code-coverage capabilities.
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