Funplot v1.0


28 Май 2006
Funplot v1.0


Funplot - Funplot is in the same time both. A stand-alone executable for visualisation of data after the data is generated. And a C++ graphics library for on-line visualisation of data while the data is computed.
General features of Funplot are:
Intuitive users interface
Multiple Graphs (quantities of lines) in one Plot (window), multiple Plots on screen
Multiple color sets and plot styles
Different graph types: lines, bars, stairs and stems
Legend for the Graphs, and visualisation of points and different marker
Change of lines width, points and marker size, lines, points and marker draw rate
Different mouse zoom capabilities; different auto range options; option for equal axes
Mouse pointer with high accurate world coordinates, a ruler for distance and gradient measurements
Drag & Drop functionality for direct display of data files (drop on Funplot icon or in an open Funplot window)
Copying of actual graphic into Windows clipboard for further processing with other Off-The-Shelf tools (like e.g. Word and Powerpoint)
Internal clipboard for exchange of Graphs between different Plots
Save the figure as Enhanced Metafile to file
Printer output black&white or colored of one single Plot or of complete Session
Storage of data-only into ASCII-files with double precision accuracy
Storage of formatting information of the single Plots and the Session into separate ASCII-readable files for identical later recall.
Additional visualisation of statistics and distribution properties
Unlimitated data storage (only by PC available memory)
Small requirements for CPU, RAM, and harddisk

Additional programmers features are:
Easy programmers interface (see here an example of use)
On-line display of data (while data generation/simulation) with on-line user intervention with all Funplot features
All features from above are directly available through programming functions
Object-oriented realisation: Each Plot (window) ist an instance of class "Funplot"
Data storage of Funplot avoids data storage by the programmer, typically in arrays or in files

Through the years Funplot is developed and tested on Windows 95, NT, 2000 and XP. It should also work with 98 and ME. The developer himself is developing, using and improving Funplot since 1998. By the continuous support of processing tasks in the aerospace engineering domain (in which the developer is employed), a user-friendly, bug-free (no known bugs at the moment :) and powerful tool is ensured.

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