FTP Commander Deluxe v8.76
Удобная программа для публикации и загрузки сайтов по протоколу FTP. В ней предусмотрена поддержка синхронизации директорий и изменения атрибутов файлов, возможность редактирования "carriage return" (переноса каретки) и регистра названия файлов. Программа может автоматически докачать файл, если передача была по каким-то причинам оборвана в предыдущий раз. Имеет множество других интересных возможностей. Настройки программы дают возможность автоматически определить параметры передачи файлов - ascii или binary в зависимости от типа файлов и от настроенного списка их расширений. Автоматически корректирует ошибки ввода пользователя. В разных программах мы постоянно сталкиваемся с различиями в форматах ввода и настроек доступа к ftp-серверу. Если, например, вы случайно ошиблись и написали пробел в адресе, то программа автоматически уберет его из адреса, а также все другие недопустимые символы, и скорректирует адрес в процессе соединения. Программа поддерживает практически все типы серверов и позволяет произвести специальную настройку формата ответа сервера и принцип чтения списка директорий и файлов на нем. Наиболее часто используемые соединения можно сохранить и использовать в дальнейшем одним кликом мышки. FTP Commander Pro может хранить для каждого сервера используемую по умолчанию директорию, как для удаленного сервера, так и для локального компьютера. Вы также можете изменить регистр имен, причем как на локальном компьютере, так и на удаленном сервере. Есть в программе и стандартные функции менеджеров файлов (сортировка, фильтр, выделение и др.). Имеет множество других интересных возможностей.
FTP Commander Pro is not only easy to use (you can pick it up in minutes), it's also a very lean application (640kb) - yet has all the features and power of it's "weightier" counterparts. What's more, the latest version of FTP Commander Pro has been translated into 22 languages (Spanish, Taiwanese, Turkish,Brazilian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Norvegian, Slovenian, Slovakian and others). Making it truly global in scope.
Besides uploading and downloading data, FTP Commander Pro will:
- Re-start and complete file transfers when the connection has been interrupted - no more time wasted supervising the program during uploads or downloads.
- Automatically try to connect to your FTP server if initial attempts to connect failed.
- Delete one or more files, as well as whole folders and subdirectories - managing remote servers has never been faster and easier.
- Keep the FTP connection when the program is idle. Servers tend to break off the connection automatically when you stop using it for any length of time (often minutes). FTP client counteracts this by sending out regular retention prompts to keep you connected.
- Display hidden server directories. Server directories are sometimes hidden from view - FTP Commander Pro's handy directory modification option reveals them.
- Specify both the initial directory you connect to on the FTP server and the local directory you want to upload from (or download to).
- Synchronize directories on local and remote access computers (for comparing modified or new files).
- Automatically assign file transfer parameters according to the type of file being uploaded (parameters can easily be expanded).
- FTP Commander Pro includes drag-and-drop file transfer, pop-up help, and a context sensitive menu (called up by right-clicking the mouse). Our ftp client is compatible with Proxy, Firewall, Sockets 4, 4.5, and 5.
- advanced users can work in command line mode. Plus all commands and control operations can be assigned using the log file.
The program will also detect and correct any mistakes you make. Other programs tend to use different input and setting formats to access the FTP server. FTP Commander Pro, on the other hand, was designed to be smart and intelligent.
If you make a mistake and enter a blank space in the address, the program will automatically remove it from the address, along with any other incorrect symbols, and will insert the right address while the connection is in progress.
Other advantages of FTP Commander Pro include:
- Compatibility with virtually all types of servers.
- Allows you to set a special server response format and a rule for reading the list of server-based files and folders.
- FTP connections you use the most can be saved, allowing you to connect to each one with one click of the mouse.
- Toggles the letter case of files names on both local computers and remote servers - handy if your site contains a link to a file named "vista.gif," but you uploaded it as "Vista.Gif."
- View files or folders as tables, lists, and as large and small icons.
- Sort data according to date, size, or name - both on local computers and remote servers.
- Use the filter mask to display the files types you want to upload. Type in *.htm or *.html and all you'll see is your web page files. Or type in *.css and all you'll see is your style sheets. Very handy for hiding clutter, like backup files (*.bak), from view.
Guaranteed to work on all servers
FTP Commander Pro is guaranteed to work with all servers. If for some reason it doesn't, send us the address of the site it doesn't work on, along with your FTP username and password. After debugging we will send you a registered working version of FTP Commander Pro - absolutely FREE. We will not modify, delete, or read any of the documents on your site. We only need access to your FTP server for testing purposes. Obviously we will not disclose your username and password to anyone else. It will be kept completely private.
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