Portable_FaceOnBody 2.2.1
Программа, позволяющая легко и быстро наложить лицо на любое тело, будь то тело женщины, ребенка, любимого артиста или киноактера, а также животного или робота . Вобщем полет фантазии практически не ограничен.
Some things will always be funny. Like dancing animals, splitting pants, toilet humor - and, of course, your boss head on a chick s body. Thus the birth of FaceOnBody. FaceOnBody is the only software in the universe designed specifically to put any face on any body. With any Windows-based system, you can transport the faces of your friends, classmates and co-workers to the most glamorous, sexy, seedy, hilarious places you can imagine. All you need is your digital photos and a little imagination. FaceOnBody does the rest.