DVD95Copy Pro v3.5.1.55

DVD95Copy Pro - Копируйте любые DVD диски всего двумя нажатиями клавиш, сохраняя при этом оригинальную структуру диска (меню, звуковые дорожки, субтитры).
Copy any DVD to a regular DVD recordable (DVD±R(W)(DL)) with just 1 click within 30 mins. by keeping all of the original DVD features like menus, different audio streams and subtitles.
Data DVDs can be copied aswell.
It's very simple.
Insert a source DVD, and an empty DVD±R(W)(DL), and Dvd95Copy will create a 1:1 copy and remove all protection like css, macrovision, region protection and prohibited user operations.
You can choose between 4 different copy modes:
Full-Disc copy-mode:
This will copy an entire movie-DVD to one regular DVD recordable DVD±R(W)(DL).
Movie only copy-mode:
This will copy the main movie only to one regular DVD recordable DVD±R(W).
Split to 2 DVD copy-mode:
This will split a movie-DVD into 2 discs so it will fit to two regular DVD recordables.
1:1 copy-mode:
Creates a REAL 1:1 Copy of a DVD to either a regular DVD recordable (DVD±R(W)) or to a double layer DVD Recordable (DVD+R DL), depending on the original DVD size.
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