DeskShare Security Monitor (все версии)


13 Авг 2005
DeskShare Security Monitor Pro v2.41


DeskShare Security Monitor – программа для слежения за обстановкой в помещении через несколько локальных или IP-камер. Security Monitor Pro предназначена для работы с несколькими видеокамерами одновременно, камеры могут быть как непосредственно подключенными к компьютеру, так и иметь свой сетевой IP-адрес. Security Monitor Pro одновременно выводит на экран изображение с нескольких камер, причём для них могут быть заданы абсолютно различные параметры. При реагировании на движение программа может отсылать SMS на мобильный телефон, e-mail или подавать звуковой сигнал, также ведётся протокол всех действий. В высланном вам письме будет снимок, на котором будет изображена причина срабатывания камеры. Также возможно автоматическое копирование необходимого содержимого на FTP-сервер.

Security Monitor Pro solves your security problems. Easily create surveillance systems to cover large areas using multiple cameras, controlled from a single PC.
Security Monitor Pro can monitor and record from multiple cameras simultaneously using a single PC. Each camera has its own settings for sensitivity, recording, and alerts. You have full control and the flexibility to customize your system and secure the coverage area.
Monitor large areas like parking lots, shops, offices, and warehouses from a single workstation. You can configure the program to record audio and video, take snaps, sound an alarm, or send email. Each camera has its own alert settings. Each camera can be set to start and stop monitoring at set times, on particular days of the week, automatically.
Get immediate email notification when motion or noise is detected. Security Monitor Pro can automatically upload recorded video and snaps to an FTP server of your choice for safe off-site storage, or remote viewing on a web site. You can also watch a live video feed for each of your cameras, from anywhere.
Now you will always know what happens at your business. All events are recorded in an event log and displayed for quick reference. Video and photo recordings are grouped and sorted for each camera with time and date stamps. Security Monitor Pro preserves evidence of all activities for later use.
Security Monitor Pro is the ultimate weapon in your security arsenal.

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