Delphi Best Practices For A New Project In 2021/2022
Hi, this is a short survey for Delphi developers! I would like to know about your views on best practices in Delphi development in 2021 and 2022.
Please, share your opinion on what are things that Delphi developers need to care about when starting a new project with Delphi in 2021 and ahead.
This can be any process you do before starting a new project. For instance, how do you handle dependencies, how do you make an environment for new Delphi projects. Or any component, library, open-source projects, IDE extensions, or anything that is really helping you when starting Delphi apps.
All the given feedbacks will be shared on the Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся with your name/nickname along with your Twitter or GitHub handle!
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Hi, this is a short survey for Delphi developers! I would like to know about your views on best practices in Delphi development in 2021 and 2022.
Please, share your opinion on what are things that Delphi developers need to care about when starting a new project with Delphi in 2021 and ahead.
This can be any process you do before starting a new project. For instance, how do you handle dependencies, how do you make an environment for new Delphi projects. Or any component, library, open-source projects, IDE extensions, or anything that is really helping you when starting Delphi apps.
All the given feedbacks will be shared on the Для просмотра ссылки Войди
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