CoffeeCup Website Color Schemer v3.0

CoffeeCup Website Color Schemer - продвинутая утилита для подбора цветов для веб-сайта. Может автоматически предложить 10 цветов для цветовой гаммы сайта на основе какой-либо фотографии или картинки. Функция "Color Mixer" для создания градиентов. Функции для выбора цвета из области экрана, конвертации и копирования кодов цветов. Возможность работы с цветовыми схемами и др.
Color Schemer is an intuitive, yet simple utility for picking colors and creating schemes for your Website. Color Schemer provides many different tools for choosing and comparing colors, and allows you to preview them in a Web page mock-up, all before implementing them in a real Web page. Is there a color on another Website that you like? Or a color on your computer that you might want to use? Just use the eye-dropper feature or grab from photo feature and you can get any color you want from anywhere! Yes, it is that easy! Color Schemer is perfect for anyone designing Websites; from novice Web designers up to full-fledged professional Webmasters.Have you wanted to use an image as the centerpiece to your new website but you don`t know what colors to include? No problemo, the Photo Color schemer will randomly choose up to 10 different colors from the image which can then be used to fill out the color pallet in your webpage.
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