Chipmunk AV Controller v2.0.2591

Chipmunk A/V Controller is a .NET Windows application for controlling your A/V equipment, Home Cinema, and performing general automation tasks.
Chipmunk enables you to create sophisticated macros and commands to control your devices via plugins, and receive incoming events.
Twelve plugins are included with the Controller: RS232; Web Server; USB-UIRT; RedRat3; Remote Server; Global Caché; X10; Time Scheduler; AppController; OSD; TCP Client & TCP Server.
Chipmunk and the Microsoft .NET Framework are fully scriptable using the built-in Lua scripting engine, and code editor.
There is extensive help documentation, and support forums for novice users and plugin developers. A Plugin SDK and sample Visual Studio.NET applications are also included in the download.
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Chipmunk AV Controller v2.0.2591
4627 KB
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