CDRoller v7.0
CDRoller - многофункциональная утилита для работы с CD-ROMом. Позволяет: читать нечитаемые диски (неправильно записанные или поцарапанные); тестировать диски на предмет различных проблем; создавать архивы данных, хранящихся на дисках и искать в них нужные файлы, не вставляя сам диск; копировать музыку с дисков и т.д. Поддерживается восстановление дисков, созданных с помощью drag and drop программ, таких как Adaptec DirectCD и Nero Burning ROM, даже записанных в мультисессии. Ищет и восстанавливает файлы на UDF-дисках. Работает с CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-WO, CD-ROM XA, Mixed-Mode CD, Stamped Multisession CD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW.
What's new in the version 6 :
*** New friendly and extremely easy-to-use User Interface:
- Support of Windows XP Themes released.
- New Side Bar similar to Microsoft Outlook offers an intuitive list of commands depending on the current situation (disc type, file system, data recovery problems, etc.).
- Session Selector became more easy-to-use. All available sessions are visible in the main program window. Just tick a new item in the list of available sessions to select a new one.
- Now the program window contains a built-in adviser with a basic recommendations for the beginners.
*** Data Recovery is significantly updated. Added Recover All, Recover Selected and Resume Recovery options. Key features:
- Saves recovered data into intermediate file. Further, a recovery of the selected file can be continued with the help of Resume Recovery option.
- Views the current results (details).
- Saves results (report) into HTML file.
- Changes a recovery settings, without leaving the process.
- Skips a file during the recovery process - if you decide a file isn't so important.
*** Raw ISO Data Identifier is released. It gives you a good chance to find and retrieve the lost files from the discs with extremely damaged ISO 9660 file system, created by Ahead Nero Burning ROM, Adaptec (Roxio) Easy CD/DVD Creator, Sonic and other ISO/Joliet mastering software, including:
- CD and DVD discs with currently unreadable system area (so-called Primary and Secondary ISO Volume Descriptors, path tables and directories records). When trying to recognize these discs the first time, CDRoller generates 'Unknown file system...' error message.
- discs with the damaged and corrupted folders.
- UDF discs having ISO-alike files locations.
*** "Forced scan" option of Scan UDF Disc is updated. Added support of CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, CD-MRW, DVD-R, DVD+R and DVD-RAM discs created by Nero InCD v.4.3
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CDRoller v7.0
6230 KB
Для просмотра ссылки Войдиили Зарегистрируйся
CDRoller - многофункциональная утилита для работы с CD-ROMом. Позволяет: читать нечитаемые диски (неправильно записанные или поцарапанные); тестировать диски на предмет различных проблем; создавать архивы данных, хранящихся на дисках и искать в них нужные файлы, не вставляя сам диск; копировать музыку с дисков и т.д. Поддерживается восстановление дисков, созданных с помощью drag and drop программ, таких как Adaptec DirectCD и Nero Burning ROM, даже записанных в мультисессии. Ищет и восстанавливает файлы на UDF-дисках. Работает с CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-WO, CD-ROM XA, Mixed-Mode CD, Stamped Multisession CD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW.
What's new in the version 6 :
*** New friendly and extremely easy-to-use User Interface:
- Support of Windows XP Themes released.
- New Side Bar similar to Microsoft Outlook offers an intuitive list of commands depending on the current situation (disc type, file system, data recovery problems, etc.).
- Session Selector became more easy-to-use. All available sessions are visible in the main program window. Just tick a new item in the list of available sessions to select a new one.
- Now the program window contains a built-in adviser with a basic recommendations for the beginners.
*** Data Recovery is significantly updated. Added Recover All, Recover Selected and Resume Recovery options. Key features:
- Saves recovered data into intermediate file. Further, a recovery of the selected file can be continued with the help of Resume Recovery option.
- Views the current results (details).
- Saves results (report) into HTML file.
- Changes a recovery settings, without leaving the process.
- Skips a file during the recovery process - if you decide a file isn't so important.
*** Raw ISO Data Identifier is released. It gives you a good chance to find and retrieve the lost files from the discs with extremely damaged ISO 9660 file system, created by Ahead Nero Burning ROM, Adaptec (Roxio) Easy CD/DVD Creator, Sonic and other ISO/Joliet mastering software, including:
- CD and DVD discs with currently unreadable system area (so-called Primary and Secondary ISO Volume Descriptors, path tables and directories records). When trying to recognize these discs the first time, CDRoller generates 'Unknown file system...' error message.
- discs with the damaged and corrupted folders.
- UDF discs having ISO-alike files locations.
*** "Forced scan" option of Scan UDF Disc is updated. Added support of CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, CD-MRW, DVD-R, DVD+R and DVD-RAM discs created by Nero InCD v.4.3
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CDRoller v7.0
6230 KB
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