The 642-661 BGP Exam Course is the ideal course for Cisco Certification candidates pursuing their Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional (CCIP) certification, or for candidates pursuing Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certification in the areas of Routing and Switching or Service Provider. This bootcamp consists of over 13 hours of expert, instructor-led content that will not only provide candidates with exam 642-661 readiness, but will also prepare students for real world Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) implementations and support.
642-661 BGP Outline::Runtime 13.5hrs
Module 1 - BGP Overview
Lesson 1 - Course Introduction
Lesson 2 - BGP Overview
Lesson 3 - Building Blocks
Module 2 - BGP Configuration
Lesson 1 - Configuration of iBGP and eBGP
Lesson 2 - Getting Routes into BGP
Lesson 3 - iBGP via Loopback Interfaces
Lesson 4 - Route Reflectors
Lesson 5 - Confederations
Lesson 6 - Peer groups
Lesson 7 - Authentication and TTL Security
Module 3 - BGP Path Manipuation
Lesson 1 - Path Attributes Part 1 of 2
Lesson 2 - Path Attributes Part 2 of 2
Lesson 3 - Best Path Selection
Lesson 4 - Modifying BGP Weight
Lesson 5 - Local Preference
Lesson 6 - AS Path Prepending
Lesson 7 - Modiying MED
Module 4 - BGP Route Filtering
Lesson 1 - Filtering Overview
Lesson 2 - Distribute Lists
Lesson 3 - Prefix Lists
Lesson 4 - AS Path Filters
Lesson 5 - Route Maps
Lesson 6 - BGP Communities
Module 5 - Advanced BGP
Lesson 1 - Load Balancing
Lesson 2 - Dampening
Lesson 3 - Multiple ISPs
Lesson 4 - Scaling BGP
Lesson 5 - Optimization
Lesson 6 - Troubleshooting BGP
Lesson 7 - Course Wrap Up

Rar Size 616mb
