News/Info Apple now lets developers challenge App Store rules and suggest changes to policies


5 Май 2008
Apple now lets developers challenge App Store rules and suggest changes to policies
By Jay Bonggolto · Sep 1, 2020

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Apple Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся that developers can now appeal against decisions over whether their apps violate one of the App Store's guidelines. The latest change is part of Apple's updates to its app review process, announced in June during its Worldwide Developers Conference.

The updates mean that developers can now continue to release bug fixes to their apps even if they have yet to resolve guideline violations, if any. There's an exception to that, however, in cases where the violations are related to legal issues. Although guideline violations won’t delay bug fixes, developers are still required to address infractions in their next submissions to the App Store.

In addition, Apple will now let developers suggest changes to its App Store guidelines. The tech giant also said it's encouraging developers "to submit your App Store and Apple development platform suggestions so we can continue to improve experiences for the developer community."

The new app review process comes as Apple has seen a fair amount of complaints from developers over its App Store policies that force them to integrate Apple's in-app purchase systems into their apps. With the new change, though, any future stand-off between Apple and developers won't be expected to cause a major inconvenience to users waiting for bug fixes to be pushed.