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Есть ли хоть какая нибудь альтернатива компоненту TMaskEdit или расширенным версиям TcxMaskEdit, но для FMX ?
Кто чем заменяет при разработке под Linux?
Пробовал с помощью нейросетей сделать адаптацию к FMX. Адаптация не получилась.
Проще оказалось сделать с нуля, но все...
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Нативные компоненты для MacOs в 12 Delphi установились
Документация: https://download.tmssoftware.com/Download/Manuals/tmsmcldevguide.pdf
Embarcadero Delphi 11.2 Alexandria Version 28.0.46141.0937 Lite v17.2
Репак от товарища из Китая, известного под ником - Lsuper
И это, пусть вас Lite в названии не смущает, как я понял из readme-файла Embarcadero.Delphi.11.2.v28.0.46141.0937.Lite.v17.2.txt (он на китайском), во-первых, "Lite"...
TMS GraphQL for Delphi
Spec-compliant GraphQL library for Delphi
Feature overview
Full GraphQL document parser with support to:
Full spec-compliant document lexer;
Executable documents and type definition documents;
Selection sets;
Field aliases;
webinar: Delphi 27 Anniversary
Mon, Feb 14, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM MSK
Join Embarcadero's Marco Cantu, David Millington, Jim McKeeth, Delphi MVP Ian Barker, and special guests as they celebrate Delphi's 27th Birthday!
Register now!
Template Mobile Android / iOS
Source code of Android app templates. Can be used directly for projects.
by Blangkon FA (blangkon.net)
Category: Sample Projects
IDE: Delphi 10.4
Edition: See IDE
Subscription: Not Required
Tags: template, android, firemonkey, ios
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What does the OnMessage Event in DelphiVCL.Application do?
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim January 24, 2022
In Windows application development the OnMessage or DelphiVCL.Application.OnMessage occurs when the application receives a message from either the Windows operating system or another...
DIZipWriter is a Delphi component to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. Archive output is based on TStream and writes directlyfiles (TFileStream), memory (TMemoryStream), or database BLOBs (TBlobStream).
DIZipWriter's core functionality is in its main class...
What Does The OnIdle Event In DelphiVCL.Application Do?
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim January 11, 2022
During Windows development, the OnIdle or DelphiVCL.Application.OnIdle occurs when an application becomes idle.
Write an OnIdle event handler to perform special processing when an application is...
RAD Studio 11 PAServer January Patch
This is the third patch for RAD Studio 11. It is an update to PAServer for macOS and iOS development on macOS 12 Monterey (the new version of PAServer is It does not include other files from the previous November Patch. You may install this and...
The Strange Case of the VCL Forms ClientWidth and the Windows Versions PE Flags
By Marco Cantu January 4, 2022
Only a few developers are aware that Windows application behave differently depending on the Windows versions declared in their PE headers in the EXE file. This has some unexpected...
What Is The OnException Event in DelphiVCL.Application?
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim December 27, 2021
The OnException or DelphiVCL.Application.OnException event occurs when an unhandled exception occurs in the application. This is a fundamental error event to understand when you develop Windows...
What Is A DelphiVCL.BitBtn And Why Would I Use It?
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim December 24, 2021
DelphiVCL.BitBtn is a push button control that can include a bitmap on its face. It’s an alternative to the regular button control which can’t directly use graphics on it.
Bitmap buttons exhibit the...
Peganza Pascal Expert
Pascal Expert is plug-in for Embarcadero's Delphi IDE (RAD Studio).
Pascal Expert main task is to make a static code analysis. It only needs the source code, unlike other similar tools that perform an analysis of the running program. Pascal Expert will help you better...
The Impact of Log4j on Software Development with Delphi and C++Builder
By Marco Cantu December 22, 2021
Thoughts on the security issues of Log4j, what they imply for the developer community in general, and the specific effect on RAD Studio developers.
Unless you live on a remote island with...
How To Automate Large Numbers Of Delphi Project Builds
By Muminjon December 17, 2021
What is build automation?
Despite the ever-increasing rise of mobile devices, desktop applications are still the backbone of enterprise environments. Typically, these enterprise solutions are made up from...
What Is The The DelphiVCL Sender Property?
By Muhammad Azizul Hakim December 22, 2021
The Sender property specifies which component notifies the change link object of changes.
We use Sender to access the component that has changed.
Here is a working example of the implementation of Sender...
webinar replay "Introducing Appercept's AWS SDK for Delphi"
Appercept's AWS SDK for Delphi is a direct mapping for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK. This webinar introduces a preview, covering the first services to be included in the API and includes an introduction to the cloud, PaaS, IaaS...
AWS SDK for Delphi
Appercept AWS SDK for Delphi offers support for a few AWS services, with more to come. Distributed by Embarcadero for free to Enterprise and Architect customers on subscription.