Akeeba Backup Pro

Joomla Akeeba Backup Pro 10.0.1

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For Joomla 4
New features
  • Allow using [REMOTESTATUS] in the email subject, not just the body
  • Joomla restoration: modify domains in the Admin Tools' Allowed Domains and server config maker features if necessary
Bug fixes
  • [HIGH] Backing up as SQL: the query for finder_taxonomy does not use the correct prefix
  • [HIGH] Backing up to SQL: indices would not have the correct table name prefix
  • [HIGH] PHP fatal error on PHP 8 if the output directory does not exist
  • [HIGH] Problems restoring if a table name ends in 0 when another table with an identical name EXCEPT the trailing zero is also being backed up
  • [LOW] Occasional display issue on Chromium browsers with the database and file / folder filter pages.
  • [LOW] RackSpace CloudFiles: some hosts change the case of HTTP headers
  • [MEDIUM] Log Priorities global configuration option got mangled restoring a Joomla 4 site
For Joomla! 4
For Joomla 4
For Joomla! 4
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