Mark Reed - C++: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn C++ Programming Step-by-Step (2021)

28 Янв 2020
C++: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Learn C++ Programming Step-by-Step
Автор: Mark Reed (2021)
This book is fit for beginners and for coders who are interested in getting into backend programming. Although C++ is sometimes portrayed as a specter of days past, the language is still with us and it continues to be behind some of the biggest technologies we use today–not mentioning its big imprint in the gaming world. Its power and versatility continue to make it one of the most important languages of our time. It is not going anywhere and learning it will expand your horizons. C++ is often utilized as a backend language for big data because of its little processing overhead. Companies like Spotify, Adobe, YouTube, and Amazon power their backend with C++, and you will soon see why. C++ is also behind powerful gaming engines. Gaming engines allow programmers to build a game without coding everything from scratch and to effectively render content. The Unity Game Engine and the Unreal Engine are examples of gaming engines that run on C++. C++ is a beautiful, efficient language because of the favorable power/hardware ratio: it uses little hardware for the amount of power it gives us. This is why those who learn it love it. In this book we will cover the following topics: ● Programming terminology and principles in programming ● Setting up a C++ environment ● Getting Started: Syntax, Data Types, and Variables ● Power of C++: Operations, Loops, Switches, and Decision Making ● Creating custom functions in C++ You will also find a useful glossary at the end so that you can use the book as a reference once you get cracking.
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